Announcement From Les+Pam McCurdy


Dear McCurdys Comedy Theatre Patrons-

Currently, all performances at McCurdys Comedy Theatre  are continuing as planned.

We understand the caution people are having towards going out into public.

We at McCurdy’s are already doing everything we can to keep our theatre, our patrons, and our staff, as safe as possible.

  • We have tripled the frequency of professional cleaning services in the Theater. We have hand sanitizer available all around the Theatre and we are constantly wiping down all surfaces with antibacterial spray cleaner.
  • All touch points (door handles, handrails, faucets) are being cleaned and disinfected on a daily basis. We are providing Lysol spray in all parts of the theatre and also spray showroom and lounge before each show. We encourage everyone to follow best hygiene practices regarding hand washing, avoiding face touching, and covering sneezes and coughs.
  • Should any staff members experience cold- or flu-like symptoms, we will have them remain home.

We will do the very best we can, as we know you will do the very best you can do to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy.  Please be safe and follow all CDC guidelines as are we. We hope it will continue to be safe enough to come out to enjoy a couple of hours of Laughter.

We’re staying open and staying safe.

Bless You All-

Les +Pam McCurdy

McCurdys Comedy Theatre

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